Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kids say the darnest things

So I thought I would share some of the really funny things (and cute) the kids are saying nowadays...

AM likes to welcome me when I come home by saying "Hey There Good Lookin!" (She earns extra points in my book for this one but mostly because her daddy taught her to say this)

AM always likes to ask each of us, Noah included, "So how was your day today?"

AM asked Nan last week...Can sisters marry brothers? And now she knows they can not, so she told me this week...One day I am going to grow up and get married Mommy!

Noah told me this past week that he has a girlfriend and her name is Madison. He states that she is his girlfriend because she is new at school and he asked her first....(with a smirk on his face might I add...)

Any time you ask Noah how he knows something he will simply tell you, "my brain tells me everything"

Noah told me this morning that God was in the Earth and that we should all love God. He almost has this one right...but is definately on the right track.

AM's latest question is, "what's your last name?" At lunch on Sunday we were all Cauble's which very much upset AM...not sure why...but she thought that was funny.

I know there are a ton more and I will do my best to start writting them down...I will be sad one day if I can't remember all of them so this will be a good way to keep up with those darn kids!

1 comment:

  1. Soooo funny! Oh how I miss all the AM and Noah stories at work. And you to of course. LOL
